
Downloadable fact sheets
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" Get active:
Things you can do " Fact Sheet 1: Arms race
in facts and figures " Fact Sheet 4: Action
on weapons and
international treaties
US tanks to Darwin for a base that's not a base By Tom Allard (SMH, November 18, 2003)
- Aceh / Indonesia
Human Rights in Aceh What Needs To Be Done?
Political History of Aceh ABC Online Aceh features
Solidarity with Aceh Fiddling with Iraq, as fundamentalists creep into the backyard by Bruce Haigh (Sydney Morning herald, April 29 2003)
- Solomon Islands
Beyond Ethnicity: Understanding the crisis in the Solomon islands By Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka (May 2000)
- North Korea
N. Korea Next to Hear U.S. War Drum By Geofrey York (Toronto Globe and Mail, 07 August 2003)
Rumsfeld was on ABB board during deal with North Korea (February 24, 2003) The US is starting a nuclear fight that will be hard to stop by Simon Tisdall (Guardian, August 9, 2003) America & North Korea: A New Cold War? By Tom Barnes
- Philippines
US Military operations in the Phillipines (Word document)
- Afghanistan
US revives Taliban tryst in Afghanistan By Syed Saleem Shahzad (Asia Times September 22, 2003)
by Robert Fisk (Independent 05 February 2003) Flaws in the Afghan model By Zvi Bar'el
Above the Law and Below Morality: Data on 11 Weeks of U.S. Cluster-Bombing of Afghanistan
Uranium Wars: The Pentagon Steps Up its Use of Radioactive Munitions
- Australia, Iraq and war crimes
This War is illegal: Howard's last top law man By Margo Kingston (Courier Mail Online, March 21 2003)
Howard warned on war crimes (March 20 2003)
Call to ban bombs that lie in wait for children By Cynthia Banham (February 19, 2003) Coalition of the willing? Make that war criminals (Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2003) Attack not yet legal, says expert By Cynthia Banham (Sydney Morning Herald, February 27 2003) Will Iraq war be an Australian war crime? by Michael Salvaris
The legality of use of force against Iraq: Legal opinion"War Powers Resolution The Rogue Elephant By Francis A. Boyle
The UN Charter and Use of Force Against Iraq
Iraq, the UN and international law International Law and a War on Iraq Articles