Together we can stop this war

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" Interested in joining or starting a No war/peace group in your locality?
Ring for resources and contacts.

" Sign the OneVoice statement

" To receive regular updates and notices of VPN actions send a blank email to

" If you wish to join an unmoderated No War email group, send a blank email to

" Sign an on-line statement Not in our name pledge

" Organisations: Become a VPN member: Applications form Word or PDF

  1. Florence photoInform yourself about the issues: use this website and its links to other sites and articles
  2. Make your voice heard on talk-back radio:
  3. Email a politician and tell them what you think
  4. Distribute information:
    " Reprint articles and leaflets about Iraq and the Middle East in your trade union journal or local community / peace / church newsletter.
  5. Join a local peace group. Ring for resources and contacts. The Victorian Peace Network has people interested in working with others in your area on peace issues. Would you like to join with them in starting a local peace group? Link up with community organisations, hold street stalls or public meetings, visit MPs or work with local faith organisations, councillors or schools?
  6. Write a letter to the editor. Keep it short and snappy, and address your name, address and phone number (or they wont publish it!):
    The Australian:
    The Age:
    Herald Sun:
  7. If you are able, make a to the Victorian Peace Network to help us continue our work.
  8. Sign an on-line statement Not in our name pledge.
