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Nuclear issues
facts sheets
" 1. Nuclear weapons
" 2. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
" 3. Missile defence
" 4. Depleted uranium
More soon!Downloadable fact sheets
(requires PDF reader)
" Get active: Things you can do
" Fact Sheet 1: Arms race in facts and figures
" Fact Sheet 3: Effect of sanctions and 1991 war on Iraq
" Fact Sheet 4: Action on weapons and international treaties
" Fact Sheet 5: When truth is the first casualty
" Fact Sheet 6: Security Council resolutions being violated
other than Iraq
" Fact Sheet 7: Pro-war mythology
" Fact Sheet 8: US energy policy, oil and the war on Iraq
" Why another war? Backgrounder on the Iraq Crisis (MERIP)" Organisations: Become a VPN member: Applications form Word or PDF
No war on Iraq PDF
No war on Iraq JPEG